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Albany, New York, USA at the New York State Capitol..jpg




NYSBA PAC is bipartisan and contributes to pro-housing and pro-business candidates to help elect them to serve in the NYS legislature.  NYSBA advocates on issues related to New York State's housing industry to focus on the impact specific regulations and rules can have on the home building industry.  The NYSBA PAC also collaborates with legislators to inform them of the effects specific legislation can have on the building industry.


As a leader in the industry, you should consider contributing to the NYSBA PAC and becoming a member of the Empire Club at NYSBA.  Inquiries should be made to Natalia Benedetti at



Government Relations Committee


NYSBA compliments its legislative agenda with its Government Relations Committee, which focuses on key state legislation, agencies, boards, and councils that have regulatory authority over residential construction and land use activities in New York State.  NYSBA recognizes that the regulatory landscape in NYS continues to be a significant obstacle to meeting the state's housing needs.  NYSBA members have first-hand experience dealing with the numerous state and local agencies with regulatory jurisdiction over the homebuilding and land use process.


Join us for our upcoming Government Relations Briefing via Zoom. To register, please click here or contact for more details. 





Click below to access NYSBA's Housing and Feasibility or Residential Fire Sprinklers Systems Study:


Talking Points Against Mandatory Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems in NYS


NYSBA's Letter Opposing to Mandatory Automatic Fire Sprinkler Installation

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